
The easy way to Secret Santa

The Secret Santa Generator Explained

Invite your friends to join in Secret Santa

Create a secret santa list below and invite your buddies

Our system will email your friends telling them who to buy for

Our wizzy system will work out who has who and email everyone to let them know who to buy a present for

Use our Christmas Gift Finder to find a rather amusing present!

Find the perfect present with our Christmas gift finder tool

Your Details...

As the Secret Santa organiser, we need to know a little about you. Please enter your details below.

Create your secret santa list...

Simply type the names and email addresses followed by the "Add+" button. Don't forget to add yourself!

Sending to more than 10 recipients? Try the bulk import tool

How to Import your List...

Import up to 50 recipients in 3 simple steps...
  • Download our sample file
  • Add your recipients
  • Upload your completed file

Upload your list


importing in progress

Close the bulk import tool

Your Secret Santa List

Name Email Remove

buddies in your list

And Finally...

If you have added everyone to your secret santa list then you are in the right place. Once you click the "Go Santa Go" button below your secret santa list will be created and everyone will receive a special email letting them know who to buy a present for and the maximum budget.

Please note, we will NOT pass your email addresses onto any third parties.