Jim Cunliffe
Published: 27/06/2013
The 'smokefree' law was introduced into the UK in 2007, to protect employees and the public from the harmful effects of second hand smoke. Second hand smoke is a serious health hazard, and there is no safe level of exposure. Every time someone breathes in second hand smoke, they breathe in over 4,000 chemicals. Many are highly toxic. More than 50 are known to cause cancer.
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If you manage or are in charge of any premises or vehicles that the new law applies to, you will have a legal responsibility to ensure they become and remain smokefree. To be ready for the new law when it comes into effect on Sunday 1st July, you'll need to make sure that:
Once the new law comes into effect, it will be the legal responsibility of anyone who controls or manages smokefree premises and vehicles to prevent people from smoking in them.
You will have to demonstrate that you have taken reasonable steps to meet the requirements of the new law. These might include:
All smokefree premises and vehicles will need to display no-smoking signs that meet the requirements of the new laws. Signs will make it clear which premises and vehicles are smokefree and demonstrate that you are taking the necessary steps to meet the requirements of the new law.
In the quick links section below, are a range of PDF downloads, including official guides and signage. These can be downloaded and printed off on you own office printer, alternatively you may wish to order them from us. The legal requirement is A5 sized, we are A5, A4 and A3 available in the order matrix below. Scroll down for 'customised' signage.